2021 Training and Exercises

This page will contain rosters and additional supporting paperwork for all exercises, classes, and trainings held in 2021. Please click on the links below and they will take you to the content. You can also choose to scroll down the page.

Table of Contents and Quick Links

Infectious Disease Tabletop Paperwork
Medically Vulnerable Population Tabletop Paperwork
MedSled Class Rosters
Past MVP Exercise Pages

Infectious Disease Tabletop Paperwork

The Infectious Disease Tabletop was held on April 27, 2021 in order to test our regions response to a potential infectious disease outbreak. This also allowed the Coalition to test their Infectious Disease Surge Annex. This plan is a required addition to the regions base Medical/Trauma Surge Response plan. The annex will be located on the website in the document library.

End of Exercise Binder Materials

  1. Facesheet: a letter to assist CMS Surveyors, Facility Staff, and Leadership with your organization’s participation in the exercise series
  2. Attendance Roster
  3. Tabletop Exercise Situation Manual (SITMAN): core documentation provided to give textual background and scenario narratives in reference to the TTX you attended. Your Organization can add in the notes, answers, and comments from the exercise.
  4. Tabletop Exercise After Action Report (AAR)This is a blank, fillable document that should be completed by your organization that summarizes key information and facility-specific lessons learned, as well as improvement plans.
  5. Powerpoint: A PDF copy of the presentd Powerpoint in notes format.

CVHC Medically Vulnerable Populations Tabletops

All Central Region healthcare organizations are invited to enroll in the 2021 CVHC Vulnerable Populations Exercise Series. Successful completion of this exercise program may assist you in meeting the CMS-required annual tabletop and full-scale exercise requirements for your healthcare organization. Registration is currently limited to healthcare organizations that operate in the Central Healthcare Emergency Planning Region.

End of Series Binder Materials
  1. Facesheet: a letter to assist CMS Surveyors, Facility Staff, and Leadership with your organization’s participation in the exercise series
  2. Attendance Roster
  3. Tabletop Exercise Situation Manual (SITMAN): core documentation provided to give textual background and scenario narratives in reference to the TTX you attended. Your Organization will need to add in the notes, answers, and comments from the exercise. Due to the sensitivity of the content that was shared during the Tabletop Exercise NSPA is unable to provide these comments for your documentation.
  4. Tabletop Exercise After Action Report (AAR): documentation completed by your organization that summarizes key information and facility-specific lessons learned, as well as improvement plans.

COVID-19: If you have participated in our CMS Exercise Series in the past, you know that we normally add in a full-scale exercise component to the Series. The Series centers around the requirements that are needed for your Organization to satisfy the Emergency Preparedness Rule. In March of 2020, Virginia declared a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic that has spread across the Nation. On May 26, 2020, the Executive Order was amended and continues to remain in effect.  On September 28, 2020, CMS released a Memo allowing Organizations to use their COVID-19 response to satisfy the requirements of the Emergency Preparedness Rule for community or full-scale exercise as long as Organizations activated their Emergency Response Plans or EOPs. However, for certain Facility types, an additional exercise is needed to meet your EP Rule requirements. Henceforth why we still held a modified virtual version of this Series.

To help assist your Organizations with the documentation from your current COVID-19 response, we have added in some templates that may be helpful. We are well aware that this response is still in full effect, but we would like to encourage your team to start compiling resources and documentation from your response.

  1. Healthcare Incident Command System Templates: HICS is a methodology on how to implement Incident Command Systems within your Organization. This process helps healthcare improve their emergency management planning, response, and recovery for planned and unplanned events. Utilize each of these templates to help you work through your COVID-19 response.
    1. For Example HICS form 201 is an incident briefing form. Use this to fill out basic response information as it pertains to COVID-19.
  2. Event Log/ Sit Reps: this information is being recorded in VHASS. Once available, we will export the information and share it with your organization. It will contain your real-time response and updates as you recorded the information.
  3. After Action Report: After attending the TTX you should start this process to capture some of your Organization’s strengths and weaknesses. You can use this document to tie all of the information together. This is the same template we use for each exercise. You will need to enter in the information as it pertains to your facility. This documentation should summarize key information and facility-specific lessons learned, as well as improvement plans.

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MedSled Classes in 2021

01/12/2021 – Roster – Sheltering Arms Institute

05/17/2021 – Roster – Sheltering Arms Institute

06/21/2021 – Roster – Sheltering Arms Institute

08/17/2021 – Roster – Sheltering Arms Institute

09/09/2021- Roster – Covenant Woods

11/15/2021- Roster – VCU Health

Past MVP Exercise Page